Feel the Force with 'Star Wars Journeys' app from Disney
The new Star Wars Journeys app lets you relive events in a galaxy far, far away by using innovative tools as part of the storytelling. Readers can fully engage in the Star Wars Journeys app series -- from Disney Publishing Worldwide and Lucasfilm -- thanks to interactive features such as infinite zoom scene transitions; new art; collectible character profiles; unlockable, hidden content; and 180-degree parallax viewing. Related storiesDisney Interactive announces Star Wars: Tiny Death StarWhere's the female side of the Force in 'Star Wars VII'?No love for Expanded Universe in new 'Star Wars' films The debut app in the series -- Star Wars Journeys: The Phantom Menace -- requires players to hone their Jedi skills in the ultimate podrace against the fastest racers in four galaxies. Podracers can be customized to improve racing results. Readers can also participate in tournaments, time trials, and daily racing events to win rewards."'Star Wars' is a such genre-spanning franchise that it was perfect to push our team's creative boundaries," Disney Publishing Worldwide lead producer Mike Zagari told Crave. "We set out to do what we're best known for -- children's apps -- then -- 'leveraging the power of the Force' -- expanded our expertise to release next-generation storytelling tools that will delight new fans and those already familiar with the franchise." Players can give a podracer a spin around the track complete with a 180-degree parallax viewing.Disney Star Wars Journeys: The Phantom Menace app is available now for iPhone and iPad at $6.99 (£4.99 in the UK iTunes store). Additional apps in the series for "Attack of the Clones," "Revenge of the Sith," "A New Hope," "The Empire Strikes Back," and "Return of the Jedi" will be released in sequential order leading up to the release of "Star Wars Episode VII."